Why To Recycle Aluminium

Aluminium is one of the most highly-utilised metals, which makes it extremely significant to recycle aluminium cans and products. Below are some major advantages of recycling aluminium:
- Saves Resource Depletion – Aluminium is produced from a natural raw material called bauxite. While bauxite is available in plenty, the mining process of digging huge pits in the ground to obtain bauxite is harmful to nature, stripping natural vegetation and soil away from wildlife. Recycling aluminium eliminates this process and allows already mined aluminium to be used again.
- Saves Energy – Recycling aluminium saves about 90% of the energy used in extracting aluminium from its bauxite ore. So, the energy you use in producing 2 aluminium cans is equal to what can be used to manufacture 60. It is about time we “go green” and look for energy-saving methods, by putting a lesser strain on the environment.
- Reduces Greenhouse Emissions – Producing aluminium from bauxite ore gives off carbon dioxide as a by-product. It is estimated that aluminium and carbon dioxide are produced in equal amounts during this process. When released in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide can be really harmful. Just imagine the amount of damage to the environment you would be saving when you go for recycling aluminium cans.
- Reduces Landfills – Every metal that is not recycled or thrown away will either end up in the landfills or the scrapyard. But, reusing aluminium minimises landfills, which eventually aids the environment. Recycling aluminium cans makes sure that our natural resources are saved and fewer quantities of fresh aluminium are produced.
Just by recycling an aluminium can that was once meant for the landfill or scrap yard, you are contributing to a cleaner and a better environment. It is a win-win situation